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Wystawa prac Teresy & Andrzeja Wełmińskich

Galeria Floriańska 22

01 - 15 październik 2019

czytaj dalej


As a participant in the workshop led by Andrzej Wełmiński, Teresa Wełmińska and Andrzej Kowalczyk (2-14 September 2013); I’d like to say how valuable and exciting I found the process and tuition. It was fantastic to be able to see the practices of Cricot 2 in action; and to be able to do this within the country, and workplace where it was established; made the experience all the more interesting. The primary insight of the Actors from Cricot 2, allowed us to not only understand the performative side of Kantor but also the person he was; which was so very valuable in understanding the very personal and memory based work the company produced. Through doing this workshop I learnt so much about Cricot 2, and Kantor, as wall as learning how to create work using memory, art forms, objects, and space all through utalising the thoughts, theories and stories of Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. As a non- polish speaker, I had been worried that I would not understand, but everything was translated and explained. I would recommend such a workshop to anyone interested in Cricot 2 or the polish Avant-garde, and I’d be more than happy to return again myself.

 Matthew Kaltenborn

(Little Venom)